OneTimePad.js is a JavaScript cryptographic library for the one-time pad cipher, based on the method described by Lee Adams. It makes encrypting and decrypting messages easy and it's compatible with nearly all web browsers.
The one-time pad cipher is an algorithm for encrypting or decrypting messages. Encryption works by combining a message and a random key together with modular addition, and decryption is done by separating the key from the encrypted message with modular subtraction. It's mathematically impossible to crack a message that has been encrypted properly with a one-time pad as long as the key is truly random, is never re-used, is at least the same length as the message, and is kept secret.
Try out OneTimePad.js right here to see how the encryption and decryption works.
// Syntax
// otp(message, key, mode, keyRepetition)
// Encryption
otp("My secret message", "jE1&;bWi3f+w7TI8k", "encrypt", false);
// Returns "3754478888035502649989266753346614"
// Decryption
otp("3754478888035502649989266753346614", "jE1&;bWi3f+w7TI8k", "decrypt", false);
// Returns "My secret message"
OneTimePad.js is designed to be highly compatible with as many web browsers as possible, including old legacy versions of browsers. It should work in all browsers that are in use today.
OneTimePad.js is copyright © 2016 Lucas Bleackley Petter.
OneTimePad.js is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OneTimePad.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.